Our Programs At a Glance.
MySelf enables multiple adults to share the responsibility of therapy homework as different key workers, such as parents, school staff, grandparents, nursery, can all access the online video tutorials. This means that the chid will receive more therapy between sessions increasing the progress they make.
Speech and Language Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy needs affect approximately 10% of children in the UK. Effective intervention requires regular activities working towards targets. MySelf provides parents and key workers with the confidence and tools to carry out therapy activities with ease.
EXPLORE MOREPhysiotherapy.
Exercise programmes are vital to a child’s progress, with simple videos and activity ideas to make physiotherapy more engaging, your child will be more motivated to achieve their goals.
Occupational Therapy
Transform your child’s independence skills by providing regular intervention towards their targets. Support their physical, sensory and cognitive problems with confidence via video tutorials from MySelf.
Video Tutorials
Video tutorials of therapy activities enable caregivers to learn and build their confidence so that therapy exercises are carried out accurately and consistently to support the child's development.
Connect, Transform, & Achieve Your Therapy Goals
MySelf is a multidisciplinary portal which enables parents and key workers to access information about their child’s progress and targets in one place. Therapy programmes have never been easier to follow and the frequency of activity carry over is maximised by enabling multiple caregivers to take a proactive role in their child’s therapy journey.
For the therapist, MySelf provides real time information relating to how often therapy exercises are being completed, enabling the therapist to reach out and support caregivers between therapy sessions like never before. MySelf provides assurance to the therapist that vital activities are being carried out accurately and frequently enough to make progress towards the child’s outcomes.
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